Based on the popular Disney Channel Original Movies, Disney's Descendants: The Musical is a brand-new musical jam-packed with comedy, adventure, Disney characters, and hit songs from the films!

Imprisoned on the Isle of the Lost – home of the most infamous villains who ever lived – the teenaged children of Maleficent, the Evil Queen, Jafar, and Cruella De Vil have never ventured off the island… until now. When the four troublemakers are sent to attend prep school alongside the children of beloved Disney heroes, they have a difficult choice to make: should they follow in their parents’ wicked footsteps or learn to be good?

You do NOT have to audition for this production. 

Fall 2024  Programs - Ages 10 - 18


Ages 10 - 18
Join our dynamic Actor Studio Class! Discover the thrill of performing as you dive into acting techniques, character development, and scene work. Our instructor will guide you through exercises that boost confidence and enhance your stage presence, tackling both classic and modern texts. Whether you're a beginner or have some experience, this class is perfect for all skill levels. Unleash your creativity and shine on stage with us, culminating in a final performance to showcase your talents!

Date - Starts Thurs. Sept 19th

(9 week class - NO Class 11/14, or 11/28)

Final Class Dec. 5th

Family Performance - Dec. 6th 

Time - 5pm to 7pm

Tuition - $180

Instructor - Kirk Slingluff

5 student minimum 

 We have 3 casts  to choose from-

Pick your rehearsal time, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY or SATURDAY. 

Each Cast will perform in 2 shows. 

Saturday Cast -  (Full - Waitlist)

Starting Aug. 17

 Rehearsals are from9 - 12:30pm  

(NO rehearsal Aug 31 - Labor Day Weekend Or Oct. 26th) 

Dress Rehearsal - Mon. Nov. 11th -  5:00 - 8:30

​Performances - Sat. Nov. 16 @ 11am AND Sun. Nov. 17 @ 6pm

 Tuesday Cast - (Full - Waitlist)

​Starting Aug.  20

Rehearsals are after school from 4:30 - 8pm

(NO rehearsal Sept. 3 - Labor Day Weekend)

Dress Rehearsal - Thursday Nov. 14th - 5:00 - 8:30

Performances - Friday Nov. 15 at 6:30pm AND Sat. Nov. 16 at 3pm

Wednesday Cast - (Full - Waitlist)

Starting Aug. 21

Rehearsal are after school from 4:30 - 8pm. 

 (NO rehearsal Sept 4 - Labor Day Weekend)

Dress Rehearsal - Wednesday Nov. 13th - 5:00 - 8:30

Performances - Sat. Nov. 16 @ 6:30pm AND Sun. Nov. 17 at 2:00pm

 Please note - The last few rehearsals before the show will  have extended rehearsal times by 1 hour  to put the final touches on the show.

Rehearsal Location -1111 Diamond Valley Dr. #108 Windsor Co. 80550

(Dress rehearsal and all shows - MANDATORY)

Dress rehearsal and show location - Hensel Phelps Theater

(Union Civic Center) Greeley

** Performances - Friday Nov. 15, Saturday Nov. 16 and Sunday Nov. 17 

Each Cast will have 2 shows.

Tuition $495.00 - includes instructional time, performances and show t-shirt!
Sibling Discount - 15% off Tuition for 1st additional sibling  enrolled and 20% for all other siblings!

Payment due the first day of rehearsal and can be made by check, cash,

credit cards, Venmo or online link
Payments can be divided into 3 monthly payments.

We have limited financial aid scholarships available.